020202 Palvelut Oy

02 award-winning customer service continues to improve - in partnership with Fluentia

020202, the contact search provider, wants to invest in quality. Therefore they turned to Fluentia to modernise the information retrieval system of their customer service agents.

Retrieving contacts, transferring calls, ordering taxis and sending SMS messages. Among other things, they make up the working days of 020202 Palvelut Oy's, also known as 02, customer service staff.

As the system previously used to assist customer service agents, introduced in 2005, was coming to the end of its life, the company wanted to invest in a new system. This would serve the needs of 02's customer service staff as far into the future as possible.

- Our strategic goal was to have an easy-to-use tool and workstation - one that you could almost take off the shelf to a customer service representative," says Mika Salminen, 02 Head of ICT.

As this was a major, long-term investment, 02 chose quality software company Fluentia as its partner.

A new system at the heart of customer service staff's daily work

02 has won numerous call centre competitions and wants to continue to improve the level ofcustomer service in the future. The speed and reliability of searches is of the utmost importance to 02.

User-friendliness was a key factor in the creation of the tool. With more than 150 customer service agents, the system needs to cater for a wide range of users and needs in terms of font size and dark mode, for example.

The reform has also brought other benefits.

– The new system will save tens of thousands of euros in annual costs, says Salminen. – Operations have become more efficient and easier.

A software project with exceptionally smooth collaboration‍

The collaborative project provided Fluentia with enjoyable challenges.

- The system was adapted in detail to the customer service process, says Risto, Fluentia's Senior Software Developer Risto. - The results needed to be quickly displayed and communicated to the caller, and the system could do many tricks with a single key. That was one of the reasons why the whole project was interesting.‍

- The search engine performs complex searches to find the right people quickly. Search results need to be expanded and narrowed down on the call, on the fly, summarizes Fluentia CTO Tomi Leppälahti.

In addition, the system had to be absolutely reliable in every situation.

- We even had to be prepared for the possibility that a submarine cable might break somewhere.‍

 The new system is powered by Elasticsearch, and has built in integrations with other 02 tools. In the event of problems, the technology has been prepared for, for example, by ensuring that if new indexes cannot be built, the old indexes can be used to retrieve the data.

 The project was particularly praised for the smooth cooperation - both from 02 and Fluentia.

 - The client seemed to trust me and my expertise. I was always free to take forward what I felt was most important in the project, according to my own professional skills and pride," says Risto.

More about the client: https://www.020202.fi/en

020202 Palvelut Oy

020202 Palvelut offers a wide range of information and advisory services. The company specialises in personal data, business contact and address retrieval services, as well as a range of appointment, map and directory enquiry services. 020202's services are available by phone, SMS and mobile app. The company's customers include both individuals and businesses from a wide range of sectors.

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