
Data is power - how TerraWise harnessed data with Fluentia

TerraWise, a civil engineering and infrastructure construction company, focuses on work planning and timely quality management, which require a lot of data to support them. But when they weren't able to fully utilize the data they were collecting, TerraWise partnered with Fluentia to develop a new data management tool.

When TerraWise tried to make use of all the site and financial management data they had collected, they realised that the financial management system was not sufficient. The data could not be bent into forms that could be used for business planning and optimization.

- We wanted to get more out of project financial management. The information should be easily accessible to all those who need it in their work, and we should be able to visualise it so that we can do better monitoring," says Antti Matikainen, Development Manager at TerraWise.

Using data to drive cost efficiency and better decisions

Software specialist Fluentia joined the project, and Data Architect Tomi and Data Specialist Joonas started working on a new data model for TerraWise. The data needed to be transformed from Lemonsoft's ERP system to a more versatile use. Azure cloud services and traditional SQL were also used in the project.

The end result was a data warehouse and Microsoft Power BI-based reporting. It is used by senior and middle management at TerraWise, as well as site managers, and the data can be used for a wide range of day-to-day tasks.

Financial figures for projects can be monitored in real time, and data can be visualised in different formats. It is also easy to drill down into small pieces of data, such as the execution of a single site.

- Power BI is now our tool for making the most of the data. It allows us to solve problems when they arise. We are also looking for cost savings in the future," says Matikainen.

A vast amount of existing data has now been obtained for concrete support in decision-making.

Active communication to ensure success

Successful cooperation is one of TerraWise's most important values, and Fluentia has also invested in smooth cooperation. According to Matikainen, the joint project went very well overall.

Matikainen is particularly pleased with how quickly the Fluentians could be reached during the project. On a practical level, everything went smoothly even when software development was at its peak.

- We try to communicate with a low threshold. The TerraWise employees involved in the project were also very proactive themselves, Joonas praises.

Although the project has now come to a successful conclusion, work will continue well into the future. There will certainly be new use cases for data to enable entirely new competitive advantages.

Fluential is also pleased not only with the excellent cooperation, but also with what was achieved in the project.

- The fact that our customers get business benefits from our help is the most important thing for us," says Timo Helppi, Head of Sales.


Terrawise is a specialist in civil engineering, with operations based on three areas of expertise: civil engineering, quarrying and green and environmental construction.

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